Barcelona, New York Location: About 300 feet east of the Barcelona Harbor parking area. Latitude: N 42.34132 Longitude: W 79.59384
From your parking spot walk to the south and then turn to the east and walk along the base of the cliff for a short distance to Barcelona Falls. The sandy shore line of Lake Erie changes from year to year so access to the base of the falls is unpredictable.
Barcelona Falls is located on an unnamed intermittent creek that flows into Lake Erie. The falls has a height of 18 feet, a crest width of 4 feet and faces to the north northwest. The elevation of the crest above sea level is 590 feet. It is best viewed in the early spring or after a period of heavy rain.
As you neared the entrance to Barcelona Harbor you undoubtedly noticed the lighthouse 350 feet to the west of the entrance. Made from local fieldstone, the lighthouse was built by Judge Thomas Campbell in 1828. The tower has a base diameter of 22 feet and a height of 40. The first lighthouse keeper was Joshua Lane, who served from 1829 to 1846. The light in the tower was at first fueled by oil. In 1831, natural gas that bubbled up from fissures in a nearby creak bed was piped to the tower and was used to fuel the light. This is believed to be the first lighthouse to use natural gas to fuel its light. The natural gas was not 100% reliable and oil was occasionally used. It is believed that natural gas was used in the lighthouse until the early 1850s. The lighthouse was decommissioned in 1859 and is now a state park. For more information visit
Barcelona Lighthouse.
For a ACME Mapper 2.0 map of the area click here. Web site: Barcelona Harbor | Westfield, NY Sunset photos from nearby Ottaway Park Copyright © 2021 by Scott A. Ensminger. You can send me e-mail at: Return to Waterfalls You Can Visit In Chautauqua County Return to Waterfall Listing By County Return to Home Page of WNYWS |